Precious Handfuls

Intro letter

Hi, prayer warriors, treasured alliances, fellow Kingdom citizens.. my like-minded friends, the precious handfuls who responded to my call for forming a personal prayer team — committed to pray for me even before the short term team start making plans. I am deeply humbled by our friendship in the journey toward sanctification in Lord and our conviction for our interactions together allow others to see a reflection of Jesus in this world.

Prayer is the visible engine of life, family, and ministry that displays our dependence on God. I had talked the talk, then I must walk the walk and demonstrate this in my own faith life and community.

I covet your prayers weekly at your own time (if I didn’t send something every week, please still pray for me every week!). When I’m in the field, will be asking you to pray for the team daily (the team will then make logistical arrangements to rotate in sending updates to everyone’s supporters while in field).

Basic info: The dates of ministry service is from Sept 14-24. I will mostly be at a dormitory for students (presently have 60 students, half are young Christians, ministered to by 5 staff including Pastor (former graduate of the dorm ministry) and his wife) in Phnom Penh and then visitation over a weekend at the Kuy hill tribe (that has 10 people attending a church managed by a man of peace).

Our Team Lead is Pastor Fred, and other team members include Amara and Wai-Fan Wong, Joe and Connie Gor, and Michael Jin. You may personally know any of them, but I hope in our correspondence, that I portray them all in nothing but the only light that is most gracious and just and honorable way that’s pleasing to God in how His children talk about anyone, which is beneficial and encouraging to the hearer and devoid of any grumble and gossip so as not to let Satan gain a foothold for breaking unity and fellowship among our community. (Honestly, this should be our every interaction with everybody, agree?)

We are requested by the local ministry to provide support through holding workshops for university students, coordinating outreach activities for alumnis, and encouraging the believers in the Kuy hill tribe. However, discussion of planning details is not the focus here (trip details will eventually be included in a formal support raising letter later for distribution to the entire community in a couple of months).

Please help pray for how God can transform me from within and the potential challenges I will prepare for leading up to the trip.

Of course, with me on the team, you bet we’ll have pictures. :)

From left: PFred, Michael, me, Connie (baby Obadiah not coming) and Joe, Amara and Wai-Fan.

Personal prayer requests:

  • Pray for clarity in purpose, what I devote my time and energy to do be for the glory of God.

    • This is hard. But it can only happen when I know who I am standing in front of God (that I am neither God nor god) and I know who He is. Enough of the doing what other people think I should do and the what I think is a good idea I should do. I know if I do what God calls me to do, circumstances and results don’t matter. I don’t want Jesus to say He never knew me when I see Him face to face.

  • Pray for humility.

    • I remember the dumb things I had done in past trips because of pride. When I cease to see how generous God has treated us, I would forget my sin and significance of the cross. Then I might start seeing other people’s flaws. Yikes. May I be teachable and willing to learn from others. He must increase, I must decrease. God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Grace? Yes pleassssse!

  • Pray for not letting suffering lead into sinning.

    • This world is broken, and most situations can’t be taken for granted to have “fair” resolutions. But through it all, I pray my attitude will be pleasing to God, that I wouldn’t yell at anyone or say mean things due to frustration, and I will not be ungenerous due to fear of financial instability. I’m in a pretty dire situation this next 3 weeks. I don’t have room to explain here, those who have recently talked to me knows, but if you know how it feels to think “I wish my life ends now, not that I want to kill myself, but I really wish the sufferings can end.”

  • Pray for being willing to serve Him in the hard times as much as serving Him in the good times.

    • I don’t want to listen to the small voice that says surely it’s ok to fall behind in Bible reading plans (I am juggling with three.. one I do on my own, one is Women’s Summer Bible Study, and one is one of PFred’s several homeworks), not doing homeworks as preparation for the trip, or turn down those service commitment during rough times. The truth is, everyone’s overwhelmed when you pause and hear people’s stories. Nobody truly has the smooth sailing mythical life we all think will have plenty of time to read the Bible and sign up for duties in the church, and give out of their own abundance. Even if I wrote single word answers for Bible study questions, fall asleep rushing through chapters of Scripture, when I did complete them, I realized my life can’t be as overwhelmed as imagined if I was still able to study His Word and complete my service commitments. His grace truly is enough. I am blessed for time with Him, not because of what He can give me.

A Blurb: Transformation over Transaction

I remember when I first start teaching English to non-native English speakers, it took me awhile to realize hamburgers is not truly all my students’ favorite food. When asking “what is your favorite food” as an ice breaker, something just doesn’t seem right when “hamburger” was always the most popular answer.

Through building trust and relationship, student meekly revealed that “hamburger” was just the easiest answer they can readily provide in response to the teacher’s question. The content of the answer isn’t as important as having the ability to answer a question. After taking a genuine interest in their lives and patience in helping them work through the struggles of finding the words to speak from their heart, I learned some of their truthful answers include “hui mian” (a type of noodle soup made with lamb bones and herbs) and “jianbing guozi” (deep-fried dough rolled in thin pancake)! Conversation is a magical exchange of individual thoughts and personal facts so people can get to know more about one another and lives can be changed from those interactions.

Also I have to remind myself that reading His Word isn’t just a transaction of checking off boxes, completing tasks. His Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrates to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow. My own preparation for this trip is not about prepping materials for conducting Bible study lessons and English lessons, nor readiness for musical and sports ministries, throwing outreach parties, giving dating/marriage/parenting/spiritual leadership topical talks. At the end of the day, all the planning is only good in so much as being obedient to our command for making disciples of all nations, first by trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior.

for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13 (ESV)


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